Sitemap - 2024 - AI Brews

Apple Open Source AI Models, Expressive AI Avatars, phi-3-mini, Snowflake Arctic, Firefly Image 3 and More

Llama 3, Lifelike Audio-Driven Talking Faces, Reka Core, Stable Assistant with Stable Diffusion 3, Meta's real-time image generation, Driving with Natural Language, multi-bot chat and More

Foundation Model for Efficient Enterprise Search, fully open-source Text-to-speech model, Native Audio understanding in Gemini 1.5 Pro, AI film competition, Physical AI model, Mixtral 8×22B & More

Jamba hybrid SSM-Transformer Model, empathic LLM, Databrix MoE model, Animation driven by Audio, Qwen1.5-MoE, generative AI nurses and more

SceneScript, Automating the generation of foundation models, 01 Light, Stable Video,3D, AnimateDiff-Lightning, foundation models for self-driving and humanoid robots, NVIDIA NIM and more

Emu Video Edit , General game-playing AI agent, fully autonomous AI software engineer, DeepSeek-VL, Robotics Foundation Model, and more

Calude 3 Opus, Train a 70b language model at home, Firewall for AI, Fast 3D Object Generation from Single Images, multimodal foundation model for any-to-any search tasks, and more

Mistral Large, vocal expressive avatar videos, Generative virtual worlds, Reliable text rendering and Magic Prompt, DJ Mode, AI-powered film making and more

Meta's V-JEPA vision models, OpenAI's Sora video model, Gemini 1.5 Pro with 1 million tokens context, Reka Flash, Largest text-to-speech AI model and more

Ultra 1.0, new multilingual model, open-source conversational and empathic AI Voice Assistant, InteractiveVideo and more

Truly Open Models, Code Llama 70B, Amazon AI Hackathon , AI Grant, world’s greenest 7B model and more

Fix to ‘lazy’ GPT-4, commercially permissive OSS LLaVA models, new multimodal model for digital agents, Google's new video model and more

Screenshots to Code Dataset, Multi Motion Brush in Gen-2, Open-source AGI, AI system that solves complex geometry problems, AI in drug discovery and more

GPT Store, text-to-3d in under 10 seconds, DeepSeekMoE 16B, jailbreaking advanced LLMs, LLaVA-ϕ, Microsoft's open-source agent framework, and more

Open source AI voice cloning, Meta's full-bodied photorealistic avatars from audio, Mobile-ALOHA and more